
 Do You Need a California Living Trust?


This is the book my clients asked for.


From: SusAnne Lee Jenkins, Attorney At Law


RE: My e-book, "Do You Need a California Living Trust?   

       Understanding Basic Estate Planning in California.


California Residents: Have you ever wanted to find out if a living trust is right for you, but didn't want to sit through a boring seminar taught by some lawyer?



The laws of each state

are different.

When learning about Wills, Trusts etc. (lawyers call this "estate planning"), you have to be careful that what you are reading is SPECIFIC to your state. I have passed the bar exam in two states (CA and VA) and the rules of estate planning and inheritance are very different. 




Did you know that a Last and Will Testament does NOT keep your loved ones out of court?

Did you know that Probate costs about 3% of the fair market value of your estate - in other words, that is not equity in your house, but the price it would sell for.  Real Estate worth $500,000 can cost $11,150 in lawyer's fees alone!

Did you know that without the proper documents in place ahead of time, if you are incapacited your family (yes that includes your spouse) will have to go to Conserverstorship Court to take care of things?  This costs $1,000's.

Did you know that even though California is a community property state, your spouse does NOT AUTOMATICALLY get everything.  I was widowed before I became a lawyer and this misconception SHOCKED me.

What other laws that directly affect you and your loved ones do you NEED to know about?

So, do you want to learn what a trust is and if you need one?

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What are your options besides purchasing and downloading this PDF e-book?


  1. Go to a seminar you saw advertised in the newspaper; 
  2. Talk to a lawyer; 
  3. Go to one of those no-lawyer-involved document places; or 
  4. Do an internet search looking for free information. 


What are the disadvantages of these choices?


Seminar:   While seminars are a good starting point for many people (I teach seminars myself), they have their limitations:

  • They can only give a brief overview of the reasons and types of documents; 
  • You have to go when the seminar is scheduled whether you feel like it or not; 
  • If you miss a point or don't understand at first, the seminar just keeps rolling on - the speaker really can't answer questions or go over things again and again unless the seminar attendees are willing to stay for hours; and 
  • Finally, I know in the back of your mind while you are listening to the seminar you are thinking, IS HE JUST TELLING ME THIS SO I'LL BUY A TRUST WHEN I DON'T REALLY NEED ONE? 

   Talk to a Lawyer:  Yes you can do this and get similar answers as in this book, after all, what I wrote in this book is what I teach my clients. BUT, estate lawyers cost $200 to $300 an hour.  Besides, most lawyers are not known for explaining these concepts simply and clearly in plain English.

   One of Those No-Lawyer-Involved Document Places:   PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS. I have seen such horror stories with these. These places have cost my clients thousands of dollars in court fees to clean up the mess done by non-lawyers.  Have you ever noticed that lawyers won't dabble in this area of law?  Lawyers know that one word can cause significant tax consequences and that phrases that sound similar can have very different consequences. Besides, all they will do is type up documents, they LEGALLY CANNOT EXPLAIN THE CONSEQUENCES!  Why?  That is "practicing law without a license."

Do an internet search looking for free information:  One of the very first questions I ask new clients is "How much do you know about Wills and Trusts?"   The reason is, I am looking for misconceptions and misinformation. And one of the biggest sources is searching the internet and thinking the information, while valid (or maybe not) in the state where it was written, is wrong if applied to California Residents. The most common one I hear is "I thought if I have a Will, then my kids won't have to go to court. That's what the article in the paper said." It might have been true in the state it was written, before being picked up for national syndication. Or, it was written by a non-lawyer, maybe a financial planner, and he was just parroting  a common phrase that you must have a Will to protect your family and he ASSUMES that means it keeps it out of court. I often hear "professionals" giving advice (opinions) that is just plain WRONG LEGAL ADVICE.


Do You Need A California Living Trust?

Understanding Basic Estate Planning in California


This e-book:

  • Has Money Saving Information - Information that can save you and your loved ones thousands of dollars.   
  • Is Easy to Understand - Written in plain English, not some heavy legalese. 
  • Is Formatted for Easy Access to Topics - Overviews and Key Concepts if you are a "give me the big picture quickly" type person. 
  • Has Detailed Explainations of Laws that Affect You - Each topic is covered in more depth in separate chapters.  You can concentrate on the areas that you want to understand in more detail. 
  • Is Specific to California - Why confuse the issues with topics that don't apply to you?  This is not a generic trying-to-cover all 50 states book. 
  • Has a  Low Cost of $29.95.   The amount I would charge a client to sit down and teach them these vital facts about estate planning would be about $300 to $500, at my normal hourly rate. 
  • Is an Easy to Use E-Book Format  - No need to wait for a book to be mailed to you.  No need to pay shipping and handling costs.  Download the PDF file (126 page e-book) directly to your computer. 


This book answers the questions I have heard hundreds of times in 13 years of practicing estate law.


For example:

  • What is the difference between a Living Will and a Living Trust? 
  • What is Probate? 
  • Why do I want to avoid Probate? 
  • What happens if I become incapacitated? 
  • How come the article in the newspaper said I need a Will to avoid going to Court? 
  • Is the Trust the only document I need? 
  • What do I need to do to protect my minor children? 
  • Does a Lawyer have to be named on my Power of Attorney? 
  • What is the difference between an Advance Health Care Directive and a Power of Attorney for Health Care? 
  • Why can't I just list my kids as Joint Tenants? 
  • What happens to my Real Estate when I die? 
  • Will the bank freeze my bank accounts? 
  • What kind of taxes are due at death? 
  • How can a living trust save me and my spouse estate tax? 
  • Can I get avoid estate tax by giving it all away before death? 




I did not write this book to get more clients  . In fact, due to my writing and speaking commitments, I limit the number of clients that I see to maintain highest quality work. I get more requests for this information than I could possibly handle one-on-one.


I wrote it because people who have heard me teach about estate planning kept asking me to write it! Clients and seminar attendees kept asking me, is there a book that explains this as clearly as you do, so I can give it to my mother, (or my brother, my husband or children).  I wrote it because financial planners and insurance agents asked me to recommend a book SPECIFIC to California trusts AND I DIDN'T FIND ONE I COULD RECOMMEND.


So I wrote it.

The amount I would charge a client to sit down and teach them these vital facts about estate planning would be about $300 to $500, at my normal hourly rate. I wanted to make that available at a low cost of $29.95, in a readily available format. You get the benefit of a lawyer's teaching, without paying the expensive cost.

Do you prefer a traditional printed book?  The regular book version is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble online.


Still "Thinking About It?"

People don't plan because of lack of knowledge, procrastination, and fear. Basically, we don't want to think about this topic. This book explains what you need to know about estate planning concepts and documents so that you will have the knowledge to make an informed decision about whether you need a Living Revocable Trust.

Best Wishes,

SusAnne Lee Jenkins, Attorney At Law


P.S.   Face Your Fear and Don't Procrastinate, 

Order Now with a credit card Over Our Secure Order Form!



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